CakePHP proved to be a nice flexible and lightweight framework. When I try to bend it a little to perform something unusual it almost always turns out ok. Below an example of a custom login action that will allow users to login with their username OR e-mail. The action goes into the Users controller.
* Log in with username OR e-mail
* @param void
function login() {
// login with username or e-mail
if (!empty($this->Auth->data)) {
// save username entered in the login form
$username = $this->Auth->data['User']['username'];
// find a user by e-mail
$find_by_email = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('email' => $this->Auth->data['User']['username']),
'fields' => 'username'
// found
if (!empty($find_by_email)) {
// retry login with e-mail instead of username
$this->Auth->data['User']['username'] = $find_by_email['User']['username'];
if (!$this->Auth->login($this->Auth->data['User'])) {
// login failed
// bring back the username entered in the login form
$this->Auth->data['User']['username'] = $username;
} else {
// login successful
// clear flash message
// redirect
if ($this->Auth->autoRedirect) {
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect(), null, true);
The view:
<?php echo $form->create('User', array('action' => 'login')); ?>
<?php echo $form->input('username', array('label' => 'Username or e-mail:')); ?>
<?php echo $form->input('password', array('label' => 'Password:')); ?>
<?php echo $form->end('Login'); ?>